Supplements For Athletes: The Rise of Cannabinoids

The world of sports is a developing one. Athletes are always looking for new methods to aid in performance and recovery. In this vein, cannabigerol, aka CBG, is also developing. It is the lesser-known sibling of THC and CBD. These cannabinoids are starting to complement each other, and even be used together, for certain athletes’ sports science. Here we will examine why athletes are ripe for the benefits of CBG, and what health benefits it could provide this high-functioning crew.

What is CBG?

CBG, the non-psychoactive ‘mother of all cannabinoids’, is necessary for the creation of THC and CBD, as well as other minor cannabinoids. CBG alleviates stress and keeps your body at homeostasis. It locks directly into CB1 and CB2 receptors Within sports, CBG, or cannabigerol, has gained a reputation for enhancing overall performance and wellness. By engaging directly with CB1 and CB2 receptors that exist throughout the body in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBG crawls into your cells, alleviating stress, and keeping your body at homeostasis.

Benefits of CBG for Athletes

Its benefits are especially attractive for athletes, who might be drawn to its potential to boost focus and alleviate anxiety without increasing pulse or blood pressure, help manage soreness and inflammation while alleviating pain, and facilitate muscle recovery.

Enhanced Focus and Energy

Considering its stimulating effects, another notable benefit is CBG’s energy boosting properties. Many athletes often need a boost of energy when training or competing. CBG interacts with the ECS to increase levels of anandamide, which has been called the ‘bliss molecule’. Elevated levels of this endocannabinoid can help athletes stay motivated and focused, enhance their concentration and provide an overall energy boost.

Pain and Inflammation Management

Athletes often suffer from pain and inflammation due to overexertion and strenuous workouts. The steadying effect of CBG may mean it counteracts inflammation and pain caused by hard work. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects come from the way it binds to the CB2 receptors. In some studies, CBG was found even more effective at relieving pain than cannabidiol (CBD) alone. It could be an attractive option for athletic communities looking to relieve pain without the psychoactive aspect of THC.

Faster Recovery

Perhaps the most important part of any training routine is recovery. CBG can support important aspects of recovery, such as better sleep, muscle recovery (decreased soreness), overall muscle recovery due to improved vascularity and cellular regeneration, to name a few. Better sleep is vital to muscle repair and regeneration – and anecdotal reports continue to show that CBG supports superior sleep.

Real-World Experiences with CBG

Similarly, athletes who are taking CBG products report that it helps with anxiety before competition, and in the recovery period afterwards, when it helps them rebound from hard training.

CBG vs. CBD: What's the Difference?

Although CBG and CBD share many of the same health benefits, some subtle differences do exist. For example, some researchers note that CBG can be more potent (interacting with more ECS receptors) than CBD at comparable doses, and for that reason can be more effective at relieving symptoms and conditions such as pain and inflammation. What’s more, because it’s only found in very small amounts in the cannabis plant, CBG is often rarer and more expensive than CBD, which remains among the most abundant compounds (other than THC) within the cannabis plant. Despite these barriers to availability, its unique benefits are making CBG quite beloved.

Scientific Insights on CBG

Research on CBG is still in an early stage, but so far, the results appear very promising. For instance, its neuroprotective properties make it useful for the brain, as it helps enhance focus and can potentially have applications fighting against neurodegenerative diseases. CBG is also considered to be helpful for bone growth and fighting infections from various forms of bacteria, on top of what is already known for the joints and ligaments of athletes that go through intense physical demands and risk injuries.

Optimal Use of CBG for Athletes

The ways that an athlete can use CBG include sublingual ingestion of CBG oil, culinary use, or topical use to specific areas of pain and inflammation. Different methods of ingestion can be faster or slower, depending on what the athlete desires. An athlete can experiment by starting with a low dose and slowly increasing it in order to evaluate individual tolerance and effectiveness.


As athletes look for edge to boost performance and recovery, CBG surely has a place to fill. Its pain-relieving, inflammatory-reducing and focus-enhancing abilities make it a true posterchild for the future of sports science. Yes, research is still needed to identify its specific possibilities, but when we consider what is already taking place in the real world and what preliminary studies are already showing us, the data that this remarkable yet gentle cannabinoid is indeed the next best thing in sports science seems too compelling to ignore. Athletes should explore it now as perhaps a cornerstone to improved performance and faster, more pain-free recovery.