
Things to Do While Watching Soccer

Are you as guilty of putting the TV on to watch something and spending the whole time looking at your phone as we are? We’ve come up with some alternative things to do while watching soccer, like betting on your favorite team. To check out the latest odds, click here. So, what else can you […]


EURO 2020: The Excitement is unreal!

The anticipation for the EURO’s 2020 grows, the magical football event kicks off on Friday 11th June, you couldn’t have a better start to the weekend. The first match to kick start the EURO’s 2020 is Turkey vs Italy at 8:00pm GMT. The Italians are currently on an 8 winning streak whereas the Turkish side […]


3 tips to bet on soccer

Diving into soccer betting without any strategies or tips is one of the fastest ways to burn your money aside from literally burning it. Betting requires knowledge, which draws the line to separate the unsuccessful from the successful. People that win, understand this and therefore tailor their approach to match specific games, wielding tips as […]


Here are some of the keys to the Barcelona crisis

One of the best football teams of this century, Barcelona, had one of its worst years ever in 2020, so much that they are close to losing who is considered to be, by many, as the world’s best player today, Lionel Messi, who we once thought would retire as a Barcelona player. In fact, 2020 […]


How Retirement Is Treating Some Of England’s Greatest Strikers

What does a footballer do when their career is up? Nothing can replicate that feeling of scoring a goal in front of tens of thousands of people, all of which worship the ground you walk on. It’s a feeling many have failed to indeed cope with following retirement. For many the end of a career […]


Australia’s Greatest Ever Footballers

Australia is well known for its sport stars. Ask who the nation’s best ever cricketers are and you could reel of a dozen names that make the shortlist. The same goes for rugby, and even the likes of swimming and cycling. But when it comes to football it’s a little trickier. Only a handful of […]


An Early Look At Potential Euro 2021 Top Scorers

The excitement is building for Euro 2021 and it’s all set to be one full of goals if the domestic competitions are anything to go by. Across Europe’s top leagues it’s a smorgasbord of world class strikers and in fact, players are paying out more than a machine a sous en ligne such is the […]


Who Will Finish Top Scorer in the English Premier League This Season?

Image by Kelvin Stuttard from Pixabay With half of the season already gone in the English Premier League, we’re none the wiser as to who will claim the title or who will be relegated to the Championship. Indeed, the unpredictability of this year’s table has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of the competition […]


Spanish La Liga officials want superstars back

There was a time, not too long ago, when Spanish football was just on top of the world, way beyond everyone else, with not only the best players on this planet, but also the best coaches, the best rivalries. However, even though La Liga remains as one of the biggest leagues without a doubt, all […]
