Doing Sports: How to Find the Right Sport for You

Doing sports is an important balance, especially if you sit a lot in everyday life. But maybe you are still looking for the right kind of sport? Since you already found the perfect activity for your free time: Bizzo Casino login.

If you want to do sports, you don't have to train hard like a pro or buy expensive equipment. It's more about having fun and moving naturally.

The entire human musculoskeletal system is made to run. Our ancestors were constantly on the move, hunting animals or gathering food in the forest. That was several hundred thousand years ago. But sitting all day is still an unnatural posture that leads to back pain or tension and can even make you sick:

Due to the lack of movement, fitness decreases and weight increases.
The consequences are increased cardiovascular disease, diabetes and several other illnesses.
But the psyche also suffers from the lack of exercise; depression, for example, can be linked to a lack of exercise.
In contrast, the reasons for more sport and exercise speak for themselves:

  • Sport prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes and intestinal problems.
  • It reduces the risk of obesity, osteoporosis and back problems.
  • Sport strengthens the immune system.
  • Muscles and bones are strengthened.

    Those who are physically active release happiness hormones, so-called endorphins. Among other things, they influence the brain's performance and help reduce stress.

    People who do sports get to know their bodies better. A better body image can also increase self-esteem.


    The good resolutions are usually there, it often lacks the time to make in the fully packed everyday life still sport. The Techniker Krankenkasse found in a survey that 42 percent of people in Germany feel the same way. They are too tired after the workday and can't get up the nerve to do sports. The problem is that if you don't exercise at all, your body breaks down and you feel even worse.

    The best remedy for a lack of exercise is to start small and always incorporate a little extra movement into your daily routine:

  • Take the stairs.
  • Walk a few stops or ride your bike.
  • Go for a walk during your lunch break or play outside with your kids.
  • Gardening is exercise, too, and as a bonus, you'll have fresh vegetables.

    The desire to exercise comes when you feel it's good for you, you feel fitter, and annoying tension eases.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least two and a half hours of exercise a week for adults. The ideal is up to five hours of endurance exercise per week and additional training for the muscles. Endurance training means that your heartbeat is faster, your breath is quicker, but you are not completely out of breath.


    Maybe yoga is the right sport for you. Maybe you haven't found the right sport that excites you yet. After all, you should enjoy exercising regularly.

    If you are still looking for your sport, think about what you want from it.

    Strengthen your fitness and endurance?

    Become more flexible?

    Train your muscles?

    The sport should also fit your body type and preferences and be easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Try to do sports first thing in the morning, then you don't have to motivate yourself in the evening.